Sunday, January 29, 2012

The $1.23 Ukelele / Decentralized Dance Party / VHS is alive ...

Found a sweet Uke with all its strings at the bins on Friday.

Found a copy (original) of UHF on vhs ... wow. Going to treasure this one... for sure. Its basically untouched. Wish I had a vcr to play it in one last time.

Saturday after a long day of thriftiness, sushi and animation festival, we stumbled upon the DECENTRALIZED DANCE PARTY under the Hawthorne Bridge. We sere so under prepared but still had a blast. This is a must and will be attended every time its here. DDP, congrats.

Also, had a stop in at our favorite bakery. Lemon coconut and coffee cream cakes. Ahem. One of the better weekends I've seen.

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