Ah, 2010... you are finally upon us. What makes people more irate than the passage of time? You cannot stop it, but you can slow down and enjoy it. It has a flavor and stickiness more repulsive than God's jockstrap. You cant swallow it with either an entire glass of milk or an empty glass of failure. Make yourself enjoy yourself. Make time work for you. Not you working for a timeclock. Tick tock. 2,1,0... I mean, what are the chances that you were even born. So slim. So slim...
I picked up the freshman LP from WE WERE PROMISED JETPACKS today. Sounds waffling amazing. I saw them in Ann Arbor a few months back. Also today I ate some cilantro spicy tacos on hawthorne and 5 hrs later my mouth is still hot, Christ. On the job front I am hammering out apps left and right. Sent out about 12 yesterday and then hit the city for a hour or two. Lost but happy. Scared but content. Today I ventured out before sunset and it was clear skies as well, for both of us.
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