Saturday, June 12, 2010

Otto's Sausage Kitchen and Meat...

Otto's Sausage Kitchen and Meat
Otto's Sausage Kitchen and Meat
While dropping a friend off, I spotted this meat market and they were grilling outside. Well, I pulled over and certainly got a sausage. Pilled on some kraut and relish and headed off down woodstock back to su casa. Last day of the rose festival as well so we are heading downtown and clean up and then go and see SPIKE AND MIKES TWISTED ANIMATION FESTIVAL at cinema 21 on the west side. On a lighter note I ran into Portland last night doing what he does best. I hadnt seen him since I left the broadway neighborhood and he looked like he wanted to cry. Portland is a great man. Humble yet homeless, dignified yet displaced. Godspeed Portland, may we meet again.

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